Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Wie man beim Beachvolleyball öfter gewinnt

  1. S. Hoffmeister, J. Rambau, Skill Estimates - Olympic Beach Volleyball Tournament 2012, Preprint Universität Bayreuth, 2019.
  2. S. Hoffmeister, Sport-Strategy Optimization with Markov Decision Processes, Dissertation, Universität Bayreuth, 2019.
  3. S. Hoffmeister, J. Rambau, Strategy Optimization in Sports via Markov Decision Problems. In: H.G. Bock, W. Jäger, E. Kostina, H.X. Phu (eds.), Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes HPSC 2018. Springer, Cham, 2021, 277-322.
  4. S. Hoffmeister, J. Rambau, Sport Strategy Optimization in Beach Volleyball - How to bound direct point probabilities dependent on individual skills, MathSport International 2017 Conference, 26.-28.06.2017, Padua (Italy).
  5. S. Hoffmeister, J. Rambau, Strategy optimization in beachvolleyball : applying a two scale approach to the olympic games, MathSport International 2017 Conference, 26.-28.06.2017, Padua (Italy).
    (Veranstaltungsbeitrag: Kongress/Konferenz/Symposium/Tagung, Vortrag)
  6. S. Hoffmeister, J. Rambau, Markov Decision Processes for Sport Strategy Optimization, 29th European Conference On Operational Research, 8.-11.07.2018, Valencia, Spain.

Daten- und modellgestützte Talentförderung von Nachwuchsfußballern

  1. A. Ivarsson, A. Stenling, J. Fallby, U. Johnson, E. Borg, G. Johansson, The predictive ability of the talent development environment on youth elite football players' well-being: A person-centered approach, Psychology of Sport and Exercise 16 (2015), 15-23.
  2. H. Sarmento, M.T. Anguera, A. Pereira, D. Araújo, Talent identification and development in male football: a systematic review. Sports medicine, 48(4) (2018), 907-931.
  3. A.M. Williams, P.R. Ford, B. Drust, Talent identification and development in soccer since the millennium, Journal of sports sciences 38(11-12) (2020), 1199-1210.
  4. V. Gesbert, F. Crettaz von Roten, D. Hauw, Reviewing the role of the environment in the talent development of a professional soccer club, PloS one 16(2) (2021), e0246823.
  5. M. Barth, A. Güllich, C. Raschner, E. Emrich, The path to international medals: A supervised machine learning approach to explore the impact of coach-led sport-specific and non-specific practice, Plos one 15(9) (2020), e0239378. / correction in Plos one, 15(12) (2020), e0244509.

Der optimale Freiwurf im Basketball

  1. M. Bamberger, Everything you always wanted to know about free throws, Sports Illustrated 88 (1998), 15-21.
  2. P. Brancazio, Physics of basketball, Amer. J. Phys. 49 (1981), 356-365.
  3. M.R. Eddings, Effect of Manipulating Angle of Protection on Height of Release and Accuracy in the Basketball Free Throw: A Biomechanical Study, Master's Thesis, California State University, 1996.
  4. J.M. Gablonsky and A.S. Lang, Modelling Basketball Free Throws, SIAM Review 47 (2005), 775-798.
  5. G.R. Hamilton and C. Reinschmidt, Optimal trajectory for the basketball free throw, J. Sports Sci. 15 (1997), 491-504.
  6. E. Tsarouchas, K. Kalamara, A. Giavroglou and S. Prassas, Biomechanical analysis of free throw shooting in basketball, Biomech. Sports 6 (1988), 551-560.
  7. L.M. Silverberg, C.M. Tran and T.M. Adams, Optimal Targets for the Bank Shot in Men's Basketball,
    Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 7(1) (2011), Article 3.
  8. D. Oliver, Basketball on Paper: Rules and Tools for Performance Analysis, Washington, DC: Brassey’s, 2004.
  9. D. Cervone, L. Bornn, K. Goldsberry, NBA Court Realty, MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference 2016.
  10. A. Lopes, S. Fonseca, R. Lese, A. Baca, Using Voronoi diagrams to describe tactical behaviour in invasive team sports: An application in basketball, Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte 15(1) (2015), 123-130.
  11. S. Fonseca, J. Milho, B. Travassos, D. Araújo, Spatial dynamics of team sports exposed by Voronoi diagrams, Human movement science 31(6) (2012), 1652–9.
  12. S. Fonseca, J. Milho, B. Travassos, D. Araújo, A. Lopes, Measuring spatial interaction behavior in team sports using superimposed Voronoi diagrams, Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport
    13(1) (2013), 179–189.
  13. S. Kim, Voronoi analysis of a soccer game, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control 9 (2004), 233–240.
  14. R. Tavares, Using Voronoi Diagrams in Football, Football Crunching.

Das Geheimnis hinter einem erfolgreichen Endspurt im Radsport

  1. A. Hirsh and S.T. Levy, Biking with Particles: Junior Triathletes’ Learning About Drafting Through Exploring Agent-Based Models and Inventing New Tactics, Technology, Knowledge, and Learning 18 (2013), 9-37.